
Another trip around the sun.

Another a jog around the moon.

Year 23 I discovered a new me

Year 24 I wanna explore more.

I’ve been reflecting over 23 and realized that it was just as trauma filled as 17.

Ive realized that pain is always going to exist no matter what phase of life you’re in. The hardest part about it is learning how to navigate through the pain. Instead of staying stuck in the pain, evaluating the pain and confronting the source.

My journey into adulthood has been beautiful yet so damn ugly.

Unpacking trauma and transcending.

Trigger fingers

When the fingers of others cause you to be triggered forever.


In the blink of an eye my heart is pounding,my chest is aching, my stomach is fluttering and my mind has taken three trips around the universe. I have gotten better with identifying moments that I am triggered but it still sucks.

I’m learning to talk through triggering moments so that I won’t bottle it up for too long. That’s exactly why I’m writing this blog directly in my triggered  state.

I would describe myself as an emotional sponge. Sometimes it’s very overwhelming because I feel the weight of the world. Im a very passionate and sensitive person and I feel every emotion deeply.

There’s a story in the news about a 19-year-old girl being raped, murdered and found dead in a freezer in Chicago. The passionate part of me immediately read up on the story because I feel connected as soon as I saw the headline.  The sensitive part of me immediately got scared and said “I don’t want to have nightmares about this”. I took some time to process and decided I wouldn’t look into it anymore because it feels very similar to my unwanted experience.  Reading the story meant reliving a nightmare for me. I then took part in a discussion with some friends about the story and figured it would help me release my thoughts. It wasn’t until the next day when the story surfaced all over the Internet and I got angry!!!!

Next thing you know I’m going through the motions and I bust into tears because the shit just hurts. There no other way to put it.  My heart ached at the thought of someone else being raped. I’m sick of living in a rape culture world.  I’m sick of being triggered.  I just want to feel normal, if that even exists

Well the roller coaster is over and I’ve seemed to calm down a bit. I’m trying to cope the best way I know how. I’m so appreciative of this platform to vent. I’m so happy to own a business that teaches consent culture. I’m so happy to live in my truth and show total transparency. It’s not easy being a survivor. It’s a constant fight for sanity everyday. Its a constant battle to keep healing and growing. This is my beautiful truth though. 


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Reveal 2 Heal

Roughly the first 2 years I was repressing memories. The thought of it haunted me. Until one day sophomore year of college I bust out crying in class. I mean crying hysterically. Not only did this happen in class, it was happening when I was alone. It would happen if I got scared. It was happening frequently and I needed help. In my experience growing up in a black household. Mental health isn’t really talked about that much. In fact in the black community most people tend to not take advantage of “help” from professionals. I don’t know what the stigma is about not sharing your problems with “strangers”. Holding in all those problems is what keeps us broken. Holding in terrible family secrets is what hinders us in the future. Acting like it didn’t happen won’t help you get better.

Statistics show that most cases of sexual violence are committed by someone you know. Yet we are afraid to talk to strangers ? I will never understand. I think I’ve mentioned this before in my earlier blogs but getting counseling was probably the best decision in life I’ve ever made. Instead of repressing memories I started to unpack the hurt to get to my healing. So when I came across the quote by Jay Z “You cant heal what you don’t reveal” I was so inspired!

I want my people to heal. You owe it to yourself.


As always thanks for reading please share, like and subscribe 💋

Not So Normal Girl

First Shoutout to my best friend for a bomb ass picture caption which became the title of my blog. Inspired by Sza (Normal Girl) Sidenote: The CTRL album was the shit.  Anyway back to the blog so I pondered on the lyrics of the song “I wish I was a normal girl”. I had so many thoughts. My initial thought was I feel so far from normal. Then I thought even harder like why am I not a normal girl. I’ve said this once before but being a creative person is really a gift and curse at the same time. I feel like creative people have special brains and special hearts that never stop going. It’s hard to explain but if you’re a creative then you will get it. The main thing I thought about is my life as an adolescent. I feel like being raped at the age 17 forced me to grow up even faster. I also wonder how would life be if it never happened. I guess I wouldn’t have Worthy Women and thats a big part of my life now.  I can’t stress enough how much traumatic experiences affect you forever. Imagine being afraid to shower alone, afraid to leave your house, afraid to go to the store, afraid to go to school, afraid to fall asleep, just afraid all the damn time. Its not a good feeling! At 17 years old I felt like my life was over. Still shocked as I type this of how my life has changed so much.  I was VERY shy growing up and sometimes I still am but for the most part Ive bloomed out of my shell. Its crazy because the things I was known for like being shy and quiet were used against me when I was raped.

Example number 1: Umhm I knew she wasn’t shy

Example number 2: Yeah them quiet girls be the worst ones.

 How tf does that work? oh yeah, its called Victim Blaming. It was the worst years of my life when people assumed that me being raped wasn’t the truth and that I was framing two completely innocent boys. Yeah right. The sad part is False blaming is a real thing. I think individuals that lie about those things are sick but it really sucks for people that it actually happens to. Some days I still get really pissed about how uneducated my people are. People like to minimize real problems like domestic violence and sexual assault just because it’s uncomfortable to talk about. Well, screw that! That’s what Consent Culture is all about.


Quick lesson: “Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person’s consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercionabuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent.”

“Lack of consent is key to the definition of rape. Consent is not always expressed verbally, and may instead be implied from the context and from the relationship between the parties, but the absence of an objection does not of itself constitute consent. Lack of consent may result from either forcible compulsion by the perpetrator or an incapacity to consent on the part of the victim (such as persons who are asleep, intoxicated or otherwise mentally compromised)”

I’m going to stop right here because that is a lot of information to take in but very important!


The point is at the age of  17 my life changed because of the actions of others. I struggled with anxiety, depression, self-blame, distorted self-image, denial, numbness, guilt, relationships, trust, and the list goes on and on! I wonder do rapist think about that ever ? probably not. They are already battling their own shit which probably leads to their fucked up decisions. Excuse my vulgar language just had to get real for a moment.


For the most part, I have conquered a lot of the negative effects of being raped but still to this day I am affected by the trauma. I’m scared very easily, I hate movies with too much suspense. I have a hard time being comfortable in relationships, I struggle with sexual relations. It takes me forever to get comfortable with someone. I shut guys out very easily. I don’t hate guys at all but my process is just different.  Honestly, unless you’ve been through it, you probably wouldn’t understand. The craziest thing is everyone’s healing is different. In 6 years I have built up such a thick confidence that it’s really remarkable. I have accepted that I am not a Normal girl and that’s okay.

When I first started this blog I had so many directions I wanted to take and just started typing so my thoughts may sound shuffled but I’m working on it and who knows it may be a part 2.


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Be kind to yourself 

Over the years i’ve had to teach myself this lesson several times. I think Aaliyah said it best though 

” If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again” 

Especially when it comes to this healing thing. Don’t ever quit on yourself ! Somedays I wake up and feel like complete crap and wish I could have a reset button. Then I realized every day that I wake up is a new opportunity for a new outcome. 

You have the right to cry 

You have the right to scream

You have the right to be angry 

You have the right to grief 

You have the power to say NO

You have the power to protect 

You have the power to be happy 

You have the power to HEAL

No matter how many times anyone made you feel powerless or worthless. All the power is truly within you once you recognize it. 
Today was a hard day for me! I’ve been beating myself up a little but I’m a working progress. 

I know I have all the POWER in me.
I know I’m on a WORTHY mission.

I will not FAIL

I will be KIND to myself 

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Healing Process 

There are pretty much 5 stages in the healing process 

1. Awareness

2. Healing 

3. Solving

4. Creating 

5. Overcoming
In psychology class, you may have learned about the stages of grief which are somewhat similar

▪️Denial and isolation 




In the first stage of both, you are coming to terms with what actually happened to you. For me personally, I actually thought in my mind that I was having a nightmare. I was truly in denial and I was trying to grasp awareness. In the first stages of grief or emotional healing, it is very hard to accept what has happened and sometimes it causes you to isolate yourself from everyone and everything. In recent, blog post before I mentioned “HATING EVERYONE” because I was so hurt. 
In the second stage when you think you are ready to heal anger hits you like a ton of bricks. Also because you can’t find a solution as to why it had to be you, self-blame begins to take its course. The intense emotion is a reflection of being hurt. During this stage I literally contemplating about killing people!! I felt so hurt that I just wanted to hurt others and I thought it would make me feel better. Luckily I didn’t kill anyone or I may be in jail instead of on this blog. I also never had the feelings of committing suicide because deep down I knew my worth but for one split second when laying in the hospital bed I had a thought cross my mind 💭 (What if I just didn’t wake up and all this would be over) 
Stage 3 the what if’s the self-blame and the bargaining with God to take the pain away …. truth is we can’t change someone else’s actions. You have to push through the pain and find a solution to how it can make you a better person.
Stage 4 the hardest stage, the trickiest stage DEPRESSION HITS LIKE AN 18 WHEELER TRUCK. You are trying to create a space that feels safe but depression takes over your life! I was crying every other day. Just so weak and vulnerable. This happens over a period of time. This is honestly the time you should seek help so that you don’t self-harm or partake in things that hurt you more.  
Stage 5 

Reaching a stage of acceptance and not letting it consume your entire life. This stage is not necessarily happiness but the depression isn’t as deep. In this stage, some people choose to forgive (not forget) Not all individuals can forgive at this stage, hell how can you truly forgive someone that violated you. For me personally, because I felt that the anger I was holding in was taking over me, I chose to forgive in my heart so that I could have some sort of PEACE. This is the stage where I realized I was WORTHY after months of feeling WORTHLESS. This is the stage where I took my power back. This is the stage where I Overcome. This blog is my Stage 5 !! The support group is my Stage 5. My apparel line is my Stage 5!!

All of these stages are based on one’s self-improvement. Every survivor heals differently and it damn sure isn’t linear at all. Sometimes you could be at stage 4 and revert back to stage 1 and that is perfectly fine. The importance is that you get back to loving yourself because you are NOT what happened to you. You are not a Victim but a SURVIVOR. 
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